Spa Kivitippu - Lappajärvi, Finland
Posted by: Neofytos
N 63° 14.906 E 023° 38.618
34V E 632739 N 7016004
Kivitippu the Spa hotel by the meteorite lake shore
- Lappajärvi, Finland
Waymark Code: WMA9YF
Location: Finland
Date Posted: 12/10/2010
Views: 41
Spa hotel Kivitippu lies right by the shore of lake Lappajärvi, embraced by breathtaking lake landscapes. The exciting origin of Lappajärvi makes Kivitippu’s location unique. The lake came into being 73 million years ago, when a meteorite collided with Earth, forming a large crater. The meteorite was enormous, approximately 350 meters in diameter, and it dived through Earth’s atmosphere with cosmic speed. The impact caused a huge crater, giving rise to two unique types of rock, kernite and suevite, in the process. These types of rock can only be found in the vicinity of Lappajärvi.
Building Address: Nykäläntie 137 Lappajärvi, Finland 62600
Is it open to the general public?: yes
When was it built? (Approximate if you must.): 01/01/1111
What is the name of this building?: Kivitippu