Gazebo beside a playgroung Budapest, Hungary
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member
N 47° 28.850 E 019° 05.313
34T E 355992 N 5260370
Gazebo beside a playgroung Budapest, Hungary
Waymark Code: WMA84T
Location: Hungary
Date Posted: 11/30/2010
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member riston2
Views: 16

This wood gazebo is standing in the Orczy park in Budapest.
Just right beside a playground maybe in case of rain.
In the wintertime the benches has been removed from the gazebo but in the summertime there is enough space at least ten persons.
The park is open for the public at any time.
Seating Type: Free Standing Seating

Location: Public park

Materials Used: Wood

Other Material Used: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
A clear photo of the gazebo would be nice. Tell about your experience there.
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