Hematologicko-transfuzni oddeleni Orlickoustecke nemocnice
Posted by: ištván
N 49° 58.246 E 016° 24.080
33U E 600488 N 5536320
Blood donation centre in Usti nad Orlici.
Waymark Code: WMA7J7
Location: Pardubický kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 11/28/2010
Views: 95
HTO provádí odbery dárcu krve a plazmy v okrese Ústí nad Orlicí a provádí zásobování krevními produkty ve spádové oblasti (Nemocnice v Ústí nad Orlicí, Albertinum Žamberk, Nemocnice Vysoké Mýto) a FN Královské Vinohrady Praha.
This blood donation centre distributes blood for area of its county and cooperates with Faculty hospital in Prague-Kralovske Vinohrady.
Organization: Orlickoústecká nemocnice, a.s.
Blood donation center's web adress: [Web Link]
When is this facility open for blood donations: Tue 6 - 9 AM
Fri 6 - 9 AM
Random events: yes
Blood drive program: There are some nation wide programes that this centre takes part in, but nothing special.
What type of donations does the center offer?: blood and plasma donations, bone marrow registration
Address:: Orlickoústecká nemocnice, a.s. Čs. armády 1076 Ústí nad Orlici, Pardubicky kraj Czech Republic 562 18
Phone Number:: 465 710 423
Visit Instructions:Take a picture of blood donation center.
-If you have donated blood in bloodmobile or random blood donation event you can log these as visited on that waymarked blood donation center that have arranged that event. In this case give also additional coordinates of the location.
Optional extra tasks:
- Take photos of brochures that you got from the center.
- Telling a story with photo about your personal experience in blood donation is welcomed but not required.