Kotor Bay - Montenegro
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member taska
N 42° 25.225 E 018° 47.670
34T E 318548 N 4698812
Really a nice view for the Kotor-Bay. This point is around 1000m high from sea level.
Waymark Code: WMA7BA
Location: Montenegro
Date Posted: 11/27/2010
Views: 34

The Bay of Kotor (Montenegrin, Serbian, Croatian: Boka Kotorska) in south-western Montenegro is a winding bay on the Adriatic Sea. The bay, sometimes called Europe's southernmost fjord, is in fact a submerged river canyon of the disintegrated Bokelj River which used to run from the high mountain plateaus of Mount Orjen. It is an important tourist attraction in Montenegro.
Read more in wikipedia.
Type of overlook: Walk by

Picnic tables: no

Benches: no

Water/restrooms: no

Overlook designation: Designated

Elevation: 3,300.00

Bay of Kotor

Visit Instructions:
You will need a picture with your GPS of the view and the area. It can't be the same picture as the listing has.
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