Monarchs - Queen Victoria - Manchester - United Kingdom
Posted by:
Zork V
N 53° 29.267 W 002° 14.511
30U E 550304 N 5926802
This is a bronze statue of Her Majesty Queen Victoria
seated on large throne.
Waymark Code: WMA1Y9
Location: United Kingdom
Date Posted: 11/03/2010
Views: 19
She is wearing a lace dress with the Order of Garter, under the coronet is a veil. A sceptre is held in the right hand, an orb in the left. Above the Queen's head is the royal coat of arms. The monument rises from six steps.
Monarch Ranking: King / Queen
 Proper Title and Name of Monarch: Alexandrina Victoria
 Country or Empire of Influence: United Kingdom
 Website for additonal information: [Web Link]

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- Provide a photo at the Statue
- Answer a related question, if available, as posted on the Waymark description to the satistfaction of the Owner