Chanute Field Historic District - Rantoul IL
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member kJfishman
N 40° 18.200 W 088° 09.472
16T E 401603 N 4462067
Chanute Field Historic District - Rantoul IL
Waymark Code: WMA1XQ
Location: Illinois, United States
Date Posted: 11/03/2010
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member silverquill
Views: 3

Chanute Field Historic District was formerly Chanute AFB

Chanute Air Force Base was open from 1917–1993 located adjacent to Rantoul, Illinois. The primary mission was Air Force Technical Training. This base was active from WW I to 1993. The base had the largest building the military owned until the Pentagon was built. If you google White Hall Chanute AFB you can find a lot of information photos and videos. Make a point of visiting the Air Museum while here, it has a lot to offer. 250 enlisted men that trained at Chanute in aircraft ground support trades, went on to become the core of other black squadrons forming at Tuskegee and Maxwell Fields in Alabama — the famed Tuskegee Airmen.

Following World War II, Chanute continued to serve as a training installation for aerospace and weapon system support personnel under a variety of organizational titles. The installation was designated in 1959, the Chanute Technical Training Center, which was later designated the 3330th Technical Training Wing. In July 1971, military flight operations were terminated at Chanute, and it became a non-flying training Base. All military operations ceased in September 1993, and the facility became available for other uses, including civilian and commercial. The Air Force Base Conversion Agency (AFBCA) currently oversees all Base closure and conversion activities, in conjunction with the Illinois EPA and U.S. EPA." source (visit link)

When you visit this historic district be sure to visit the Chanute Air Museum located within the area.
County / Borough / Parish: Champaign

Year listed: 2006

Historic (Areas of) Significance: Event, Architecture/Engineering

Periods of significance: 1925-1949, 1950-1974

Historic function: Defense

Current function: Commerce/Trade, Domestic, Education, Industry/Processing/Extraction, Transportation, Vacant/Not In Use

Privately owned?: yes

Primary Web Site: [Web Link]

Secondary Website 1: [Web Link]

Street address: Not listed

Season start / Season finish: Not listed

Hours of operation: Not listed

Secondary Website 2: Not listed

National Historic Landmark Link: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Please give the date and brief account of your visit. Include any additional observations or information that you may have, particularly about the current condition of the site. Additional photos are highly encouraged, but not mandatory.
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