Kostel sv. Pavla / Church of St. Paul
Posted by: TOMSTAR66
N 49° 48.852 E 018° 16.036
34U E 303411 N 5521555
Kostel sv. Pavla-Novogotická stavba z režného zdiva.1882 / St. Paul-Neo-Gothic building of the face work.1882
Waymark Code: WMA143
Location: Moravskoslezský kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 10/29/2010
Views: 148
Kostel sv. Pavla 1886, na Mírovém námestí
Neogotická stavba podle návrhu Augusta Kirsteina je dominantou námestí. Puvodní stavbu navrhl Gustav Meretta, reditel arcibiskupské stavební kanceláre v Kromeríži. Jedna z možností byla unikátní celoželezná konstrukce, z té však sešlo. Z Merettova návrhu se realizovala idea italské zvonice. Byla postavena nejdríve a sloužila jako vodárenská vež a požární pozorovatelna. V letech 1883 – 1886 k ní byl pristaven trojlodní chrám s kapacitou 800 osob. Kostel byl benedikován 10. ríjna 1886 a na pocest reditele železáren Paula Kupelwiesera byl zasvecen sv. Pavlovi. Na kostele se nachází obraz Marie Antoníny Kratochvílové. Narodila se ve Vítkovicích a papež Jan Pavel II. ji 13. cervna 1999 blahorecil. Z veže kostela zní zvuk trí zvonu z vítkovické lité oceli. Jmenují se Karel, Pavel a Ema.
St. Paul 1886, at the Peace Square
Neo-Gothic structure designed by Augustus Kirstein dominates the square. The original building designed by Gustav Meretta, director of the archbishop's office building in. One option was celoželezná unique design, but from then abandoned. The proposal is implemented Merettova idea of Italian bell tower. It was first built and served as a water tower and a fire watchtower. Between 1883 - 1886 it was added to the three-nave church with a capacity of 800 persons. The church was benedikován 10th October 1886 and in honor of director Paul Kupelwiesera ironworks was dedicated to St. Paul. The church is the image of Mary Antoníny Kratochvilova. Born in Vitkovice and Pope John Paul II. her 13th beatified in June 1999. The church tower is the sound of three bells from Vítkovice cast steel. Their names are Karl, Paul and Emma.
Date the Church was built, dedicated or cornerstone laid: 10/10/1886
Age of Church building determined by?: Church website
If denomination of Church is not part of the name, please provide it here: Římskokatolická farnost Ostrava-Vítkovice / Roman Catholic parish in Ostrava-Vitkovice
Street address of Church: Mírová 39 Ostrava - Vítkovice, Česká republika 70030
Primary website for Church or Historic Church Building: [Web Link]
If Church is open to the public, please indicate hours: Not listed
If Church holds a weekly worship service and "all are welcome", please give the day of the week: Not listed
Indicate the time that the primary worship service is held. List only one: Not Listed
Secondary Website for Church or Historic Church Building: Not listed
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