Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member Qurius
N 59° 27.764 E 010° 39.109
32V E 593618 N 6592741
Where the sea meets the land.
Waymark Code: WMA13
Location: Østfold, Norway
Date Posted: 04/07/2006
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member TheAlabamaRambler
Views: 42

Approximately 20 meters deep 1 meter off shore.

Very well known fishing spot.

Can also be logged at as GCV978
Recommended fishing methods:
Fishin Rod

Boat required: no

Catch and Release Only: no

FlyFishing Only: no

Recommended tackle: Not listed

Parking or Launch Coordinates: Not Listed

USGS Real-Time Water Data: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
We would like to hear about your experiance while you were there, what you caught, your fishing methods and tackel! Everyone has there own methods and we can all learn from each other! Post a picture with your log and show off your catch or the place you fished.

Anyone found logging a waymark without going to it will have their log deleted!

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Hysse visited Mellombukta 04/30/2006 Hysse visited it
PPJ visited Mellombukta 04/09/2006 PPJ visited it

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