FIRST--Raising of the Tricolour Flag, Ireland.
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Zork V
N 52° 15.602 W 007° 06.377
29U E 629244 N 5791649
The Irish Tricolour was first flown here for the First time on March 7th 1848 by Thomas Francis Meagher.
Waymark Code: WM9Z8B
Location: Ireland
Date Posted: 10/21/2010
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member bluesnote
Views: 14

Rarely has a flag possessed such lasting relevance as that of the "Tricolour," the national flag of the Republic of Ireland. Its three equal stripes illustrate the Irish political landscape as accurately today as in 1848, the year the flag was first unfurled.
FIRST - Classification Variable: Item or Event

Date of FIRST: 03/07/1848

More Information - Web URL: Not listed

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mr.-oda visited FIRST--Raising of the Tricolour Flag, Ireland. 03/18/2012 mr.-oda visited it