Wakefield Grist Mill - Wakefield, QC
Posted by: JSDAFM
N 45° 38.094 W 075° 56.157
18T E 427052 N 5053909
William Fairbarin built this grist mill for the area in 1838.
Waymark Code: WM9WX8
Location: Québec, Canada
Date Posted: 10/07/2010
Views: 44
This mill is no longer used for the purposes of a mill is in now the Wakefield Mill Inn and Spa.
A little bit of history:
1838 - William Faribarin, a Scottish settler, builds the Grist Mill.
1844 - James and John MacLaren buys the mill for $300 from William Faribarin.
1851-1861 - The mill expands to include a saw mill, Brick yard, woolen mill and the area includes a General store and houses for the workers.
1877 - A fire destorys the grist mill and woolen mill.
1878-1881 - The mill is re-built under the supervision of James' son David.
1892 - James Maclearn dies and his son Alxander becomes manager.
1897-1908 - The mill stones are replaced for 6 double sets of roller mills, a turbine is installed for electrical lighting.
1907 - The Saw mill is destroyed by fire.
1910 - Fire destroys entire complex.
1939 - Alexander dies and MacLearn Mill closes operation.
1943 - J.P Henderson buys the site and renovates the upper story into apartments.
1962 - NCC buys the site and some restoration work is started.
2001 - The Mill undergoes major renovations and converted into a 26 room country Inn. May 4th, first guests are welcomed into The Wakefield Mill Inn
Current Status: Plaque Only
Current Use: Wakefield Mill Inn and Spa
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