Weihnachtsland / Christmas store , Lauscha
N 50° 28.735 E 011° 09.863
32U E 653561 N 5594118
Das Weihnachtsland in Lauscha verkauft ganzjährig hauptsächlich Weihnachtsschmuck; the Christmas store in the city of Lauscha sells Christmas decoration all the year round
Waymark Code: WM9PDP
Location: Thüringen, Germany
Date Posted: 09/14/2010
Views: 19
Lauscha ist die Geburtsstadt des gläsernen Christbaum- und Weihnachtsschmucks. Seit Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts wird hier Christbaumschmuck gefertigt. Das Weihnachtsland in Lauscha verkauft ganzjährig Weihnachtsschmuck und -dekoration.
In the year 1848 a glassblower in Lauscha produced Christmas glassware for the first time. Other glassblowers in Lauscha recognised the growing popularity of Christmas baubles/balls and began producing them in a wide range of designs. The Christmas store in Lauscha called 'Weihnachtsland' sells Christmas decoration and Christmas glassware all the year round.
Address:: Straße des Friedens 39 Lauscha, Thüringen Germany 98724
Website Address:: [Web Link]
Phone:: 49-36702- 22945
Store Hours:: Monday - Friday: 9:30 - 18:00, Saturday: 9:30 - 16:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00
Visit Instructions:
A photo of you or your gps with the store in the background.
If you are up to blessing us all with additional photos see if you can find some Christmas displays (Santa, Christmas Trees, or Nativity Scene).