mrducky goes to Norway = 67 38.259
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member mrducky
N 67° 22.968 E 015° 32.501
33W E 523246 N 7474156
mrducky didn't really go to Norway, but that's where the coordinates are.
Waymark Code: WM9PD
Location: Nordland, Norway
Date Posted: 04/01/2006
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Crusso
Views: 75

mrducky translates to 6738259, which is 67.38259 degrees. Using five significant digits, that becomes 67° 22.9xx.

Team Relin was nice enough to send me some photos from northern Norway at my north coordinate.

The photo above is the view from a nearby location, not exactly at the coordinates.

Who took the photo of your converted name?: Not listed

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A photo showing the area would be a great addition to the waymark gallery.

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Team Relin visited mrducky goes to Norway = 67 38.259 04/03/2006 Team Relin visited it

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