Peachblossom Meetinghouse
Posted by: robert
N 38° 44.000 W 076° 04.107
18S E 407133 N 4287726
Location of meetinghouse ("church") built in 1880, site of first peach trees planted in Maryland
Waymark Code: WM9H7
Location: Maryland, United States
Date Posted: 03/27/2006
Views: 17
Built 1880 by people of Swedenberg, Lutheran, Methodist, and Brethren faiths near Peachblossom Creek and used by each denomination every fourth Sunday. The building, originally known as Peachblossom Meetinghouse, was so named because the first peach trees in Maryland were planted near this site. Now known as Little Round Top Church, it is owned solely by the Church of the Brethren.
Maryland Historical Society
Marker Type (optional): ----
 County (required): Talbot County
 Location (required): Along Route 50, just outside Easton, MD
 More info about the site/marker (optional): In 1869, members of the Church of Brethren came to the Eastern Shore. The history of Little Round Top Church began on April 15, 1879, when Moses and Anna Diefenderfer sold a piece of their land to the trustees of Evangelical Untion Church for $75.00. In 1880, the Little Round Top Church house, located three miles south of Easton, was built by the people of the Swedenborg, Lutheran, Methodist and Brethren Churches near the Peachblossom River.
Each group was responsible for preaching once a month with Sunday school open to all of the groups every Sunday. By 1903 all worship at the Little Round Top ceased mainly due to the fact that all the churches involved were building or buying buildings closer to their congregational members. Extensive repairs were made to Little Round Top in 1898 and again in the years from 1914-1916. In 1940, Little Round Top was relocated up the hill a short distance to accommodate the new U.S. Route 50. Today, Little Round Top (sometimes referred to as Peach Blossom Meeetinghouse, because it was built near Maryland's first peach trees) is maintained as a Maryland Historical Site by the sole owners, the Easto\n Church of the Brethren.
 Website for more info (optional): Not listed

Visit Instructions: A photo of yourself and/or your GPS with the marker should be uploaded with each visit. The marker must be visible. If the marker is in a location that may be unsafe to pull over and stop, the best image you can provide (assuming you obtain the rest of the relevant information) should be sufficient.
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