The Goldfish - Bunbury, Western Australia
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member rjm1
S 33° 19.217 E 115° 38.473
50H E 373523 N 6312381
The Goldfish lives beneath the bridge in Bunbury.
Waymark Code: WM9DY3
Location: Western Australia, Australia
Date Posted: 08/08/2010
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member chstress53
Views: 15

The Goldfish is located on the underside of a traffic bridge in Bunbury. It looks as though it has leapt out of the water. I have no idea when it was done, however no attempt has been made to remove it.
Type of Surface: Bridge

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jinta29 visited The Goldfish - Bunbury, Western Australia 01/04/2019 jinta29 visited it
blingg visited The Goldfish - Bunbury, Western Australia 07/25/2016 blingg visited it
RockDoctorAu wrote comment for The Goldfish - Bunbury, Western Australia 08/02/2013 RockDoctorAu wrote comment for it
SeabreezeOZ visited The Goldfish - Bunbury, Western Australia 03/06/2011 SeabreezeOZ visited it

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