Rockingham Federation Councillors, Rockingham, WA
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member wileyclan
S 32° 17.055 E 115° 44.753
50H E 381904 N 6427366
Two trees dedicated to the serving councillors of Rockingham when Australia celebrated its 100 years of Federation.
Waymark Code: WM9AKQ
Location: Western Australia, Australia
Date Posted: 07/23/2010
Views: 12

These two trees are located in HMAS Warramunga Park and recognise the serving councillors in 2001. The serving councillors were:

Mayor C. Elliot
Deputy Mayor A. Hill
CR B. Samels
CR A. Prince
CR P. Ogilvie
CR T. Maiolo
CR L. Liley
CR F. Gibson
CR G. Cassir
CR J. Butts
Location of the tree: HMAS Warramunga Park, Rockingham, WA

Type of tree: Pine

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jinta29 visited Rockingham Federation Councillors, Rockingham, WA 12/20/2018 jinta29 visited it
blingg visited Rockingham Federation Councillors, Rockingham, WA 10/23/2016 blingg visited it
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