sv. Kryštof / en. Kryštof
Posted by: TOMSTAR66
N 49° 32.868 E 017° 14.581
33U E 662246 N 5490772
Patron všech poutníku a cestovatelu sv. Kryštof / Patron of pilgrims and travelers St. Christopher
Waymark Code: WM99FM
Location: Olomoucký kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 07/18/2010
Views: 144
Patron všech poutníku a cestovatelu sv. Kryštof drží stráž nad ridici jedoucími po olomouckém silnicním obchvatu.
O svatém Kryštofovi víme jen to, že zemrel jako mucedník v Malé Asii a že v Bithýnii, v dnešním severním Turecku, mu byl kolem roku 450 zasvecen kostel. Podle legendy se narodil v kanánské zemi a rodice byli pohané. Byl mohutné postavy, jako obr. Rozhodl se sloužit tomu nejmocnejšímu panovníkovi. Svetští vládcové jej však zklamali a on nabídl své služby i dáblu, který se mu zjevil v podobe rytíre na cerném ori. Když však se dal dábelský pán na útek, jakmile uvidel bílý kríž, Kryštof se rozhodl, že bude hledat Krista. V krestanské víre ho vzdelával poustevník, a dal mu za úkol žít poblíž dravé reky a prenášet lidi na druhou stranu. Jedné bourlivé noci ho oslovil malý chlapec a usadil se na jeho ramenou. Behem brodu pres reku díte stále více težklo, takže obr sotva šel. Na druhém brehu ho Kryštof zmožen postavil na zem a uslyšel detský hlas: "Nediv se, nesl jsi více než celý svet, nesl jsi toho, kdo svet stvoril! Jsem Kristus, král, jehož hledáš." Mohutnému obru dal potom jméno Christoforus, to znamená nosic Krista. Ježíš mu také prikázal, aby prebrodil reku a zasadil tam svou hul do zeme, že nazítrí vykvete a budou na ní rust datle. Kryštof pak šíril víru v Lýkii, dnešním Turecku. Pozdeji se dostal do zajetí lykijského krále, který krute pronásledoval všechny krestany. Do žaláre mu dali dve dívky, aby ho svedly a on aby zapomnel n Boha. Kryštof je však primel k pokání a víre v Ježíše a ony byly pak s ním popraveny. Mucení sv. Kryštofa však neprobíhalo hladce. Šípy se odrážely od jeho tela a jeden dokonce vyrazil oko samotnému panovníkovi. Aby zvládl obrovitého hromotluka, musel vládce povolat 400 vojáku. Pak klesl Kryštof k zemi a stali mu hlavu. Bylo to kolem roku 250. Úcta k nemu se šírila od 5. století. Lidé verili, že když se ráno podívají na jeho obraz, budou chráneni celý den. Proto jeho obrazy a sochy byly umísteny v kostelích proti dverím nebo u vchodu.
Patron all pilgrims and travelers St. Christopher holds the charge of drivers traveling on the bypass road in Olomouc.
About Saint Kitts we know only that he died as a martyr in Asia Minor and in Bithynia, in present-day northern Turkey, it was around the year 450 consecrated church. According to legend, was born in the land of Canaan and his parents were pagans. Was a powerful figure such as Fig chose to serve the most powerful ruler. Secular rulers, however, failed him and he offered his services to the devil, who appeared to him as a knight on a black horse. But when he is diabolical man fled when he saw a white cross, Christopher decided he will find Christ. In the Christian faith, he studied hermit, and gave him the task of living near the Drava river and carry people to the other side. One stormy night a young boy approached him and sat on his shoulders. During the ford across the child increasingly težklo, so just go figure. On the other side of him Kitts worn out on the floor and heard a child's voice: "Do not be surprised you're carrying more than the entire world, bore you to who created the world! I am Christ the King, whose looking for." Massive giant gave then Christoforus name, which means bearer of Christ. Jesus also told him that waded the river, and there planted his stick in the ground, the next day and will blossom on its growth dates. Christopher then spread the faith in Lycia, Turkey today. Later he got into captivity lykijského King, who had cruelly persecuted all Christians. In prison gave him the two girls to him and he fought to forget n God. Christopher is forced to repentance and faith in Jesus and they were then executed him. St. torture. Christopher, however, not take place smoothly. Arrows bouncing off his body and one even went eye itself sovereign. To handle the giant Hulk, the ruler had to call 400 soldiers. Then Christopher fell to the ground and cut off his head. It was around 250th Devotion to him spread from 5 century. People believed that if the morning looking at his picture, will be protected all day. Therefore, his paintings and sculptures were placed in churches against the door or entrance.
Associated Religion(s): Christianity
Statue Location: silnice R35 vedoucí ze Slavonína do Přáslavic / R35 head of the Slavonin chronologie
Entrance Fee: FREE
Artist: Socha od sochaře Mária Kotrby. / The statue by sculptor Maria Kotrba.
Website: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
Take a picture of the statue. A waymarker and/or GPSr is not required to be in the image but it doesn't hurt.