Kevyt kanuuna 76 K/02 - Lappeenranta, Finland
Posted by: Neofytos
N 61° 03.514 E 028° 10.571
35V E 563495 N 6769881
Light cannon 76 K/02 in Joensuu, Finland
Waymark Code: WM97QH
Location: Finland
Date Posted: 07/10/2010
Views: 53
Calibre: 76,2 mm x 385 R (fixed ammunition)
Barrel length: L/30
Weight in action: 1100 kg
Muzzle velocity: 460-605 m/sec
Traverse: 3 degrees
Elevation: - 6 degrees, + 17 degrees
Max. range: 7,9-10,6 km
Ammunition weight: 6,4 kg (HE), 6,3 kg (AP-T).
Ammunition types: HE, AP, AP-T, APHE-T, HEAT (1944), HEAT-T (1944), shrapnel, incendiary
Country of origin: Russia
Finnish use: 179 guns acquired (captured + bought) in 1918. 11 more bought in 1931. Five captured during Winter War and 54 bought from Germany late 1940 and delivered in November - December of 1940. The most numerous field gun in use of Finnish field artillery during World War 2.
What type of artillery is this?: Light canon
Where is this artillery located?: Military Grounds
What military of the world used this device?: finnish army
Date artillery was in use: 01/01/1943
Cost?: 0.00 (listed in local currency)
Artillery is no longer operational: no
Still may work: no
Are there any geocaches at this location?: No
Date artillery was placed on display: Not listed
Parking location to view this Waymark: Not Listed
Visit Instructions:
Two pictures are required for this Waymark. Please take a close up picture of the artillery. Take a second with the artillery in the distance and capture as much of the surroundings as possible. Name the Waymark with first the name of the area and second what the artillery is. An example would be if it were a cannon in front of the Montgomery Armory you would name the Waymark: Montgomery Armory Cannon.