Nathan's Famous - Yonkers, NY
Posted by: HaLiJuSaPa
N 40° 58.543 W 073° 49.899
18T E 598297 N 4536718
Former arcade-only location with small food area that eventually had Nathan's Famous restaurant attached to it, but still primarily visited for the video arcade.
Waymark Code: WM94K
Location: New York, United States
Date Posted: 03/18/2006
Views: 284
Way back in the 1950's and 60's it was part of the Adventurer's Inn chain of arcades/mini-amusement parks with small food areas. In 1965 Adventurer's Inn moved to a different part of Yonkers and a Nathan's Famous restaurant was physically attached to it, the first one north of New York City. However, the arcade still takes up the majority of the space and people still primarily go to this location for the video arcade and pinball machines, some of which are historic.
Rating (5=Great Place, 1=Didn't like it):
Hours of Operation (weekdays): From: 7:00 AM To: 11:00 PM
Hours of Operation (weekend): From: 7:00 AM To: 12:00 AM
Food and Drink Available: yes
Retro games available: yes
Known Games: Pac Man
Visit Instructions:
If the waymark isn't an actual arcade please mention it. It is difficult to police this based on descriptions.
Also, if you see a game that is not listed in the waymark description feel free to add any or all so that we can get a complete listing of games at any particular arcade. (Also note if a particular game is no longer available at the arcade).