Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres
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N 48° 26.842 E 001° 29.233
31U E 388133 N 5367130
One of the finest gothic cathedrals in France
Waymark Code: WM906J
Location: France
Date Posted: 06/07/2010
Views: 53
the Cathedral of Chartres (French: Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres), widely considered to be the finest Gothic cathedral in France. Its historical and cultural importance is recognized by its inclusion on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. Its construction started in 1205, following the destruction of the old cathedral of Chartres. Construction took 66 years.
Référence de la notice (from Merimee DB): PA00096993
 Dénomination de l'édifice (from Merimee DB): Cathedrale
 Localisation (from Merimee DB): Chartres
 Adresse de l'édifice (from Merimee DB): 16 cloître Notre-Dame
 Siècle de la campagne principale de construction (from Merimee DB): 1er quart 11e siècle ; 12e siècle ; 13e siècle ; 1ère moitié 14e siècle ; 1er quart 15e siècle ; 1er quart 16e siècle ; 2e quart 19e siècle
 Précision sur la protection de l'édifice (from Merimee DB): choeur ; clocher ; clôture de choeur ; crypte ; porche ; trésor ; élévation ; pavillon ; vaisseau ; charpente métallique ; portail ; voûte ; flèche
 Date de versement de la notice (Merimee DB): 01/01/1862
 Relevant Website: [Web Link]
 Photo with MH logo pictured included?: no

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