Maitolaituri Hannunluhta - Karijoki, Finland
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Neofytos
N 62° 19.339 E 021° 47.262
34V E 540820 N 6910336
Good conditioned platform not used any more.
Waymark Code: WM8YVQ
Location: Finland
Date Posted: 06/01/2010
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member small oaks
Views: 30

This is private milk platform near main road. There are milk churns in decoration. The farm is few hundred meters away.
Milk platforms condition: Very good

Type: Milk platform by the road

Year built: 1950

Web Link: Not listed

Visit Instructions:

English: Take atleast one photo of waymarks milk platform and tell about the visit. You may show yourself in a picture but that is not necessary. Note that " X Visited here"-logs doesn't qualify as a visited log in this category.

Suomeksi: Ota vähintään yksi kuva waymarkin maitolaiturista, voit myös itse näyttäytyä kuvassa jos haluat. Kerro vierailustasi. Huom! Pelkkä " X vieraili täällä"-loggaus ei riitä loggaukseksi tähän kategoriaan.

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Geopellet visited Maitolaituri Hannunluhta - Karijoki, Finland 03/01/2013 Geopellet visited it
Geppana visited Maitolaituri Hannunluhta - Karijoki, Finland 07/27/2010 Geppana visited it

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