Badger's Hole / Cova do Texugo
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member PLnauta
N 39° 11.430 W 009° 19.652
29S E 471714 N 4337968
A small cave on a hill full of holes that connect to each other. The Badger's Hole [Cova do Texugo] is the biggest one, and it's used as a training spot.
Waymark Code: WM8YGT
Location: Lisboa, Portugal
Date Posted: 05/31/2010
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Mark1962
Views: 12

Type of Land: Other

Managed By: None

Contact Info: None

Type of Cave: Karst Cave

Contains Stalactites: yes

Contains Stalagmites: no

Contains Bats: no

Price of Admission: 0.00 (listed in local currency)

Website: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Please include a digital photograph of the cave which documents your visit and any information that may be helpful for future visitors.
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RuiJSDuarte visited Badger's Hole / Cova do Texugo 10/11/2013 RuiJSDuarte visited it
paulohercules visited Badger's Hole / Cova do Texugo 10/05/2011 paulohercules visited it
ttb72 visited Badger's Hole / Cova do Texugo 10/04/2010 ttb72 visited it
h_raky visited Badger's Hole / Cova do Texugo 06/04/2010 h_raky visited it

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