The Public Purse - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Rabbitto
S 37° 48.821 E 144° 57.923
55H E 320905 N 5812907
The Purse sits at the corner of Elizabeth Street and Bourke Street in Melbourne.
Waymark Code: WM8WNC
Location: Victoria, Australia
Date Posted: 05/22/2010
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member saopaulo1
Views: 48

Realistic, Stainless Steel and Marble.
Title: The Purse

Artist: Simon Perry

Placement Date: 1994

Website: [Web Link]

Type of Object: Purse

Location: Corner of Elizabeth Street and Bourke Street in Melbourne

Material: Stainless Steel and Calca Red Granite

Visit Instructions:
Give a narrative of your experience. What did you think of the sculpture? If you would like, provide another photo. Please no virtual visits.
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