World War I Memorial - Kingman, AZ
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N 35° 11.508 W 114° 03.157
11S E 768363 N 3898293
The monument is located on the grounds of the Mohave County Courthouse, 310 East Spring Street, Kingman AZ 86401
Waymark Code: WM8WJE
Location: Arizona, United States
Date Posted: 05/22/2010
Views: 8
This bronze sculpture rests in front of the Mohave County Courthouse, which was built in 1914. The sculpture commemorates the Kingman soldiers who died in a war that was being fought just as the building was dedicated. A Soldier and Sailor balance upon the memorial.
In Memory of
The men and women
Of Mohave County
Who served in the
World War
Private or Public Monument?: Other
 Name of the Private Organization or Government Entity that built this Monument: unknown
 Geographic Region where the Monument is located: North America
 Physical Address of Monument: 310 East Spring Street Kingman, AZ 86401
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 Photo or photos will be uploaded.: yes
 Date the Monument or Memorial was built or dedicated: Not listed
 Website for this Monument: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
New logs to this waymark must contain at least one photo of the monument with your GPS in the shot as proof of your visit. No old vacation photos please. You must have taken a picture while seeking this waymark. Logs that don't meet the photo requirement will be archived.