Kanuuna 107 K/77 ptrik - Ilmajoki, Finland
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Neofytos
N 62° 43.967 E 022° 34.222
34V E 580263 N 6956794
Cannon 107 K/77 ptrik in Ilmajoki, Finland
Waymark Code: WM8VW3
Location: Finland
Date Posted: 05/18/2010
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member PTCrazy
Views: 43

Calibre: 107 mm (bagged ammunition)
Barrel length: L/19
Weight in action: 1213 kg
Muzzle velocity: 411 m/sec
Traverse: 0 degrees
Elevation: - 0 degrees, + 20 degrees
Max. range: 5,3 km
Ammunition weight: 12,5 kg (HE)
Ammunition types: HE, shrapnel
Country of origin: Russia, also some made by Krupp

Finnish use: Large number captured in 1918, but only 3 used by Finnish White Army in Civil War. Very little use before World War 2. During Winter War some 80 guns in coastal defence use. Last shots fired in March of 1940. Not used in Continuation War. The gun had equipment only for direct-fire use.
What type of artillery is this?: Cannon

Where is this artillery located?: Park

What military of the world used this device?: Finnish White Army in Civil War

Cost?: 0.00 (listed in local currency)

Are there any geocaches at this location?:
One traditional cache

Date artillery was in use: Not listed

Date artillery was placed on display: Not listed

Parking location to view this Waymark: Not Listed

Artillery is no longer operational: Not Listed

Still may work: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
Two pictures are required for this Waymark. Please take a close up picture of the artillery. Take a second with the artillery in the distance and capture as much of the surroundings as possible. Name the Waymark with first the name of the area and second what the artillery is. An example would be if it were a cannon in front of the Montgomery Armory you would name the Waymark: Montgomery Armory Cannon.
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