Kirkenes Post Office - Finnmark, Norway
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Neofytos
N 69° 43.690 E 030° 02.235
36W E 385475 N 7738337
Kirkenes post office in Amfi
Waymark Code: WM8NT4
Location: Finnmark, Norway
Date Posted: 04/25/2010
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member oysteinj
Views: 42

Storgata 2

Mon - Fri: 09:00-18:00
Sat: 10:00-15:00
ZIP code (Postnummer): 9900

Inauguration day: ????

Visited: 15.04.2010

Geographical place name: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Norsk: Kun engelsk p.g.a. begrensning i antall tegn her.


  1. A photo showing the geocacher and his/her GPSr in front of the enamelled sign(s) is mandatory in logs.
  2. Date/time for the visit (not the log) must be included.
  3. A scan of the post office's unique postmark is appreciated - but not a must. (A great evidence of your visiting date.)
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Oloneuvos visited Kirkenes Post Office - Finnmark, Norway 09/05/2011 Oloneuvos visited it

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