Exersite, Centenary Park, East Bentleigh
Posted by: Rabbitto
S 37° 55.528 E 145° 04.084
55H E 330202 N 5800694
Exersite is a small fitness trail that runs around Centenary Park in East Bentleigh, Victoria, Australia
Waymark Code: WM8H13
Location: Victoria, Australia
Date Posted: 04/01/2010
Views: 13
The Fitness trail has 4 stations. The first station is for stretching and stations 2,3 and 4 are for strengthening.
Thee are large graphic panels and detailed instructions at each station.
Number of Stations: 4
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Degree of Difficulty: Varies to suit the person.
Visit Instructions:
To log a visit to a Fitness Trail waymark please post a picture of yourself (or a partner) at one of the stations performing the exercise and let us know what the exercise is. If you are alone, an original picture of one of the stations will suffice.
Recent Visits/Logs:
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