Zvonice u kostela Sv.Jakuba / Belfry at the St.Jacob church (Lipník nad Becvou)
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N 49° 31.703 E 017° 35.182
33U E 687154 N 5489410
Mohutná pozdne renesancní stavba postavena v r. 1609.
Built in the late Renaissance style in 1609.
Waymark Code: WM8G13
Location: Olomoucký kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 03/28/2010
Views: 122
V roce 1604 nechalo mesto porídit nový velký zvon Michal, který vážil pres 5 tun. Pri zavešení na kostelní vež ale nastaly potíže, zvon rozechvíval kostelní vež a nastala obava, aby se vež i se zvonem nezrítila. Proto se obec rozhodla postavit zvonici. Kamenná pametní deska udává, že zvonice byla založena 4. dubna nákladem obce a dokoncena 12. listopadu, byla tedy postavena ve velice krátké dobe 222 dní. Na zvonici vidíme slunecní hodiny a znak mesta, vež sama má pudorys 10×10 metru.
The town authorities acquired a new big bell called Michal which due to its size and weight (5040 kg) made the church tower quake. The town authorities therefore decided to build a new bell tower. A stone memorial plate indicates it was begun on the 4th April at the expense of the municipality and finished on 12th November. There is a sundial on the bell tower. The tower itself has a footprint of 10 x 10 m. The gate of sheet metal covering the windows was recently changed for wooden blinds because the sound propagation is better and the bells are less at risk from vibrations.
Date of origin:: 1609
 Style: High Renaissance (ca. 1500–1550)
 Type of building (structure): Bellfry
 Address: Krizkovskeho
Lipník nad Bečvou
Czech republic
 Architect(s): Not listed
 Web site of the object (if exists): Not listed

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