Replot bridge - Vaasa, Finland
Posted by: Neofytos
N 63° 12.404 E 021° 28.000
34V E 523470 N 7008708
Tie - Raippaluodonsilta
Waymark Code: WM8FEV
Location: Finland
Date Posted: 03/26/2010
Views: 87
Stamps artist: Kaisu Klemetti
Original photograph in stamp Pentti Valmunen
Replot bridges construction was finished in october 1997 and had at that time taken about one and a half year. The bridge is about 1045 meters long and is carried by pylons 82 m high. The middle span is 250 m wide and gives a vertical clearance of 26 m above sea level.
Stamp Issuing Country: Finland
Date of Issue: 15.02.1999
Denomination: 3,00 mk
Color: Blue, Gray
Stamp Type: Single Stamp
Relevant Web Site: [Web Link]
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