Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member PeterNoG
N 46° 29.480 W 063° 22.609
20T E 471081 N 5148709
Green Gables Post Office is part of L.M. Montgomery's Cavendish National Historic Site of Canada in Prince Edward Island.
Waymark Code: WM8EY2
Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
Date Posted: 03/23/2010
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member GeoKs
Views: 13

Green Gables Post Office is only a few hundred feet from the site of the home where Lucy Maud Montgomery (L.M.M.) lived from 1876-1911. There are many exhibits in the Post Office including how L.M.M. submitted her manuscripts in secret.

Green Gables Heritage Place which was L.M.M.'s inspiration is part of Prince Edward Island National Park. It is just 1/4 miles west along Hwy 6.
Post Office Type: Rural

Province/Territory: Prince Edward Island

Historical Significance: Yes - Older than 50 years

Location has a philatelic display: yes

Friendly and helpful service: yes

What brought you here?:
The history of L.M.M. and her many books especially 'Anne of Green Gables'.

Visit Instructions:
To post a log to an existing Canada Post waymark, you will need to post a unique picture of the Canada Post sign. Including your gps device in the picture is not neccesary, but wouldn't be cause for disapproval, as long as all other details of your log are acceptable.

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