Vaasa town hall - Vaasa, Finland
Posted by: Neofytos
N 63° 05.677 E 021° 36.696
34V E 530878 N 6996278
City of Vaasa 350 years anniversary in 1956.
Waymark Code: WM8DFK
Location: Finland
Date Posted: 03/17/2010
Views: 64
Kaarle IX founded city of Vaasa at 2.10.1606 in old mercant and harbor area Mustasaari. Place are 7 km southeast from the downtown nowdays. Name Vaasa comes from the Wasa dynasty.
Stamp Issuing Country: Finland
Date of Issue: 02.10.1956
Denomination: 30 mk
Color: Blue
Stamp Type: Single Stamp
Relevant Web Site: Not listed
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