McDonald's Keskustori - Tampere, Finland
Posted by: Neofytos
N 61° 29.852 E 023° 45.588
34V E 646894 N 6821316
McDonald's near the central plaza in Tampere. This was the first McDonald's restaurant in Finland. Restaurant was starting 14.12.1984.
Waymark Code: WM8AQK
Location: Finland
Date Posted: 03/02/2010
Views: 207
Mon-Fri 07.00 - 05.00
Sat 08.00 - 05.00
Sun 10.00 - 05.00
Serving breakfast on Mon-Fri 7.00-10.00, Sat 8.00-10.00
Nightmenu 23.00-05.00
Location Type: Mall
Physical Location: Hämeenkatu 17 Tampere, Finland 33200
Hours of operation: From: 7:00 AM To: 5:00 AM
Has Playplace?: no
Does this location have a drive-thru window?: no
Wifi enabled?: yes
Has Arcade Games?: no
Visit Instructions:
To log this "WayMac", you must have eaten at this particular location. Please enter the items you ordered from this visit in the log description.
Also, if there isn't already a picture listed for the location, it'd certainly be nice of you to include one! You CAN include your GPS in log photos.