Iraqi Airways - Baghdad, Iraq
Posted by:
Martin 5
N 33° 15.025 E 044° 14.062
38S E 428679 N 3679310
Marker placed at was the enterance to the Iraqi Airlines Aircraft Equipment Repair Shop. This area has been in U.S. Military control since April of 2003.
Waymark Code: WM88ZV
Location: Iraq
Date Posted: 02/20/2010
Views: 7
On the plaque:
First line
Second line
Third line
Forth line
And last line is the dates
1982 M means AD _ 1403 H the Islamic calendar.
On the flag:
The Islamic Saying, which is on every Iraqi flag (ALLAH AKBAR) mean's "God is Great"
Marker is located on a U.S. Military installation and proper U.S./ Coalation ID is required to gain access to it.
Group that erected the marker: Iraqi Airways
 Address of where the marker is located. Approximate if necessary: Baghdad International Airport Baghdad, Iraq
 URL of a web site with more information about the history mentioned on the sign: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Take a picture of the marker, preferably including yourself or your GPSr in the photo. A very detailed description of your visit may be substituted for a photo. In any case please provide a description of your visit. A description of only "Visited" or "Saw it while on vacation" by anyone other than the person creating the waymark may be deleted by the waymark owner or the category officers.
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