Courtyard Monterrey Aeropuerto - Apodaca, Mexico
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member geobwong2k
N 25° 47.326 W 100° 08.611
14R E 385351 N 2852788
A gazebo in the Courtyard of a Marriott Hotel.
Waymark Code: WM88B9
Location: Mexico
Date Posted: 02/18/2010
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member riston2
Views: 4

In the centre of the Marriott Courtyard Monterrey Aeropuerto is a largeish Gazebo. Eight chairs and a table in the centre make this a relaxing spot to share with some friends, or even alone.
Seating Type: Free Standing Seating

Location: Apodaca, Mexico

Materials Used: Wood

Other Material Used: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
A clear photo of the gazebo would be nice. Tell about your experience there.
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miatabug visited Courtyard Monterrey Aeropuerto - Apodaca, Mexico 02/01/2012 miatabug visited it