LOGEL'S AUTOPARTS ~ Kitchener (Bridgeport) Ontario CANADA
Posted by: Jake39
N 43° 28.687 W 080° 28.370
17T E 542633 N 4814046
LOGEL'S is a fixture at this location dating back 50 years in what was formerly known as the village of Bridgeport.
Waymark Code: WM85Y1
Location: Ontario, Canada
Date Posted: 02/04/2010
Views: 8
Very visible neon signs at night
LOGEL'S AUTOPARTS has changed in many ways since its inception with updated stock keeping from the earlier 'tear and run' days.
Their 10,000 square foot warehouse has over 50,000 parts which have been cleaned and bar coded and are awaiting sale and immediate shipping or delivery.
The 4 acre facility consists of modern parts and vehicle racking to utilize the space more efficiently.
Closed Saturday and Sunday and Statutory Holidays
Physical Address: <font color=green>116 Bridge St. Kitchener , Ontario CANADA N2K 1J6 </font>
Entrance Fee: no
Hours of Operation: From: 8:00 AM To: 5:00 PM
Type of Salvage Yard: Domestic & Foreign
Who Pulls The Part: They Pull It
Website: [Web Link]
Visit Instructions:
1. You must include a photo of youself or at least a different view of the salvage yard.
2. In your log please give your experience of your visit. Did you buy something? See something you wanted? Please Tell!