Colt Park Lions - Bristol, RI
Posted by: RIclimber
N 41° 40.422 W 071° 17.946
19T E 308618 N 4616102
Two bronze lions guard the stone barn built in the early 1900's to house the prize Jersey herd of Colonel Samuel P. Colt.
Waymark Code: WM812F
Location: Rhode Island, United States
Date Posted: 01/06/2010
Views: 7
Samuel P. Colt, chairman of the board of the United States Rubber Company, created an extraordinary farm. He bought and combined three farms and designed a system of roads that linked them together as one...the Colt farm. The stone bridge which still spans the Mill Gut was part of this road system. His large summer house, the Casino, was constructed on the shore of Narragansett Bay.
Colonel Colt felt that the public should be able to share in his enjoyment of the farm. He had an open invitation engraved in marble at the main entrance: "Colt Farm, Private Property, Public Welcome". On pleasant days families walked from the town of Bristol to picnic in the fields, dig clams and quohaugs in the Mill Gut salt marsh or fish for flounder, tautog and striped bass from the shore. Workers in white guided people through the magnificent stone barn, pointing out prize cows and offering glasses of fresh milk to the visitors.
Physical Address: 100 Colt Dr. Bristol, RI
Web Site: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
Take a photo of the lion.