LSI Corporation - Milpitas, CA
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N 37° 24.449 W 121° 54.670
10S E 596361 N 4140633
The LSI Corporation in Milpitas, CA. The headquarters are located next to I-880.
Waymark Code: WM7VHF
Location: California, United States
Date Posted: 12/07/2009
Views: 1
"LSI Corporation is an electronics company based in Milpitas, California, that designs ASICs, host bus adapters, RAID adapters, storage systems, and computer networking products." (
visit link)
Address: 1621 Barber Lane Milpitas, CA USA 95035
 Stock Ticker Symbol: LSI
 Stock Market: NYSE

Visit Instructions:
There are no specific visit requirements, however telling about your visit is strongly encouraged. Additional photos of the building to add to the gallery are also nice, but not required. Pictures with a GPS or you in them is highly discouraged.