Slane Farm Hostel
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Bebop
N 53° 42.954 W 006° 34.374
29U E 660162 N 5954648
There is 257 acre there to go over. There is and old village site there, that maybe from the 1700's, and a old abbey, and old ring fort.
Waymark Code: WM7TT
Location: Leinster, Ireland
Date Posted: 02/19/2006
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Bebop
Views: 81

The Hostel is one of the best that I have stayed at. The town of slane has some old history to.
Date site was found: 05/15/2002

Depth item was found: from 1" to 15" deep

Item rating: common

Item condition: poor

Estimated value of item found: low

Search this area again: yes

Item want list: keep

Description of item's found:
Coins,Buttons, Bank tokens,ring,brass buckles,and artefact,flint piece,old glass and ceramic dishs piece.

Comments about the item found:
Most of the copper coins are in poor shape. But the silver coins are in good shape. Found 35 coins, 22 buttons, 5 brass buckels, old copper ring, silver watch chain,and a number of brass artefact.

Equipment used: Garrett and minelab

coin 1: 1776 irish1/2 penny 5"deep, N53'43.076, W006'33.887

coin 2: 1853 brish penny 7"deep, N53'43.115, W006'33.909

coin 3: 1823 irish 1/2 penny 6"deep, N53'43.070, W006'34.112

coin 4: 1775 1/2 penny 9"deep, N53'43.155, W006'33.923

coin 5: 1760 1/2 penny 5'deep, N53'43.145, W006'33.923

coin 6: 1786 1/2 penny 1"deep, N53'43.172, W006'34.097

coin 7: 1813 silver tenpences bank token, very fine, 9"deep, N53'43.064, W006'34.092

coin 8: 1889 brish one penny, 7"deep, N53'43.050, W006.34.018

artefact 1: copper ring band 7/8"OD, 5"deep, handmade, N53'43.028, W006'34.129

Location of find-address,city,state,zip,country,county:
Slane farm Hostel @ Harlinstown house, Slane, County Meath, Ireland, phone +353(0)41 982 4390,

Land ownership: Private

Contact information of land owner:
Patty or Joanne Macken

coin 9: Not listed

coin 10: Not listed

artefact 2: Not listed

artefact 3: Not listed

artefact 4: Not listed

artefact 5: Not listed

artefact 6: Not listed

artefact 7: Not listed

artefact 8: Not listed

artefact 9: Not listed

artefact 10: Not listed

Location notes: Not listed

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