Marker Name: Mount Scott
Marker Text: Mt. Scott (8,926), once dominated by Mt. Mazama, is now the highest peak within the park. Before Mt. Mazama collapsed, creating the Crater Lake basin, eruptions burst from its sides, forming numerous volcanic cones. The largest of these, now partially destroyed, is Mt. Scott.
This mountain is gradually surrendering in its struggle with the elements. The face toward you shows the deep scar of past encounters. The large sloping basin in this face is a cirque in the making, a result of erosion by water and ice.
Water from a blanket of granular snow penetrated the underlying rock and frose. Expanding as it froze, the water split off rock fragments which moved gradually downslope - and the cirque was begun. A glacier probably helped to enlarge the depression by carrying away the debris.
The buildin on the peak is a fire lookout tower which you may reach by way of the 2.5 mile trail starting near the road junction below here. Hardy whitebark pines can be seen as you climb to the summit, their gnarled shapes offering dramatic evidence of the severe weather conditions, which they and the mountain endure.
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