Potawatomi Trail of Death Route - Battle Ground, Indiana
Posted by: Groundspeak Charter Member BruceS
N 40° 30.394 W 086° 50.646
16T E 513208 N 4483995
Historical marker in front of the Tippecanoe Battlefield museum in Battle Ground, Indiana.
Waymark Code: WM7FPN
Location: Indiana, United States
Date Posted: 10/19/2009
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Team Farkle 7
Views: 18

Text of marker:

Potawatomi Trail of Death Route
Indiana to Kansas September 4 - November 4, 1838

The 1811 Battle of Tippecanoe on this site was decisive leading to the loss of their homelands and the removal of Indians from Indiana.  At gunpoint, about 850 Potawatomi passed this location on September 12th, 1838 on a 660-mile trek known as the "Trail of Death" because so many mostly children died along the way.  After two months, about 750 Potawatomi arrived at what is now Osawatomie, Kans., joining those who had gone earlier.  A 26-year-old Potawatomi and interpreter on the Trail of Death was Nan-Wesh-Mah.  After his father died, he had been adopted by a half-white older cousin, Abraham Burnett, a merchant at Fort Wayne, who had fought on the Indian side at the Battle of Tippecanoe. (Burnett's Creek nearby was named for him)  Nan-Wesh-Mah was given his adopted father's name, was sent to school, and grew up as Abram Burnett.  He farmed near Topeka, Kansas and died in 1870. Many Potawatomi were later removed from Kansas to Oklahoma.  

Erected May 31, 1996 by Oklahoma Decendents of Nan-Wesh-Mah (Abram Burnett) & by Girls Scouts, Lafayette, Indiana

Routes: Northern Route

Additional Coordinates: N 40° 30.385 W 086° 50.665

Address if available:
200 Battle Ground Avenue
Battle Ground, Inidana

Marker Website: [Web Link]

Additional Information: Not listed

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