Titanic's last stop - Queenstown, Ireland, EU
Posted by: Jarda315
N 51° 51.026 W 008° 17.655
29U E 548611 N 5744638
One of the most famous ships of all time also sailed from Queenstown.
Waymark Code: WM77H4
Location: Munster, Ireland
Date Posted: 09/14/2009
Views: 18
It was on 11 April 1912, when the pride of the White Star Line, RMS Titanic, arrived from Cherbourg and dropped her anchor at 11:30 am at Roches Point outer anchorage. At the same time 123 passengers were waiting on the White Star Line pier to board the tenders Ireland and America. Of the 123 passengers, three were traveling 1st class; seven 2nd class and the remainder 3rd class (steerage). After the passengers boarded, the tenders proceeded to the deep water quay to load 1395 sacks of mail that arrived, as well as many emigrants, by train at the 1890-built Victorian Railway Station.
The two tenders traveled out to the anchored Titanic to offload the mail. At 1:30 pm an exchange of whistles indicated the tenders' business was completed and the RMS Titanic weighed anchor and sailed into history. Of the 123 passengers who embarked at Queenstown only 44 survived the disaster of that horrible night of 15 April 1912.
Looking for a link between the cobs and Queenstown? Here is an explanation.
The locality, which had had several different Irish-language names, was first referred to as Cove ("The Cove of Cork") in 1750. It was renamed Queenstown in 1849 to commemorate a visit by Queen Victoria and so remained until the name Cobh (closer to the Irish spelling) was restored in 1922 with the foundation of the Irish Free State.
Disaster Date: 04/14/1912
Memorial Sponsors: The Titanic Historical Society and the people of Cobh
Disaster Type: Natural
Relevant Website: [Web Link]
Date of dedication: Not listed
Parking Coordinates: Not Listed
Visit Instructions:
A photo of the memorial from a different angle or view than what is already posted is requested. If a camera is not available, please give a detailed description so that we can get an idea of your visit. Please list anything that has changed since the waymark was created.