Taxus baccata Tree - Vilemovice, Czech Republic, EU
Posted by: Jarda315
N 49° 41.308 E 015° 19.328
33U E 523234 N 5504044
The oldest tree in Central Europe
Waymark Code: WM71TD
Location: Kraj Vysočina, Czechia
Date Posted: 08/20/2009
Views: 148
In the garden grow old Common Yew (Taxus baccata). According to the circumference of 310 cm to strain its age is estimated at 1500 to 2000 years. Tis is a dioecious tree, and this unique tree is female. The tree is poisonous, as its bark, wood and seeds are prosyceny poisonous substance, a toxin called alkaloids. This is a strictly protected Common Yew, who is perhaps the oldest tree in Central Europe. Common Yew in Vilémovicích is one of the most memorable tisu growing in the Czech Republic. It is also probably one of the oldest probably in Europe.
According to the traditional parish records chronicle:
In the year 1390, there is placed Squire Václav of Dobrovitov and Vilemovic. After it is placed from the year 1406, Squire Mikulas of Vilemovic. Your property managed during the Hussite wars. He also signed the complaint sheet against the Czech nobility Mr. Jan Hus burned at the stake. Squire Nicholas of Vilémovice died before 1460 and the village went to the Czech king Jiri of Podebrady
V zahrade roste starý tis cervený (Taxus baccata). Podle obvodu kmen 310 cm se jeho stárí odhaduje na 1500 až 2000 let. Tis je strom dvoudomý a tento unikátní strom je samicí. Strom je jedovatý, protože jeho kura, drevo i semena jsou prosyceny jedovatou látkou, alkaloidem zvaným toxin. Jedná se o prísne chránený tis, který je možná nejstarším stromem ve strední Evrope. Tis ve Vilémovicích je jedním z nejkrásnejších památných tisu rostoucích na území CR. Je také pravdepodobne jedním z nejstarších patrne i v Evrope, i když podle odborný posudku nedosahuje stárí, které je mu prisuzováno, protože u tisu casto dochází ke srustu nekolika kmenu nižšího stárí.
Tis cervený je domácího puvodu. Dríve byl hojný jako podrost v pralesích, dnes se v ceských zemích vyskytuje vzácne.Tisy jsou stálezelené, huste vetvené kere nebo nižší stromy. Tisy rostou velmi pomalu. Cervenohnedá kura se lupenite loupe. Drevo mají nacervenalé a cenné. Tisy jsou ve všech cástech, krome cervené dužiny plodu, tzv. míšku, jedovaté. Tis ve Vilémovicích byl vyhlášen památným stromem 16.9.1976 . Je chránen dle § 46 zákona 114/1992 Sb. o ochrane prírody a krajiny.
Genus/Species: taxus baccata - Common Yew - Gemeine Eibe
Height: 39
Girth: 9
Method of obtaining height: Reliable source
Method of obtaining girth: Tape
Location type: Other public property
Age: 1500
Historical significance: Mikuláš of Vilémovic here complain signed list of Czech nobility against burning M. Jan Hus.
Website reference: [Web Link]
Parking coordinates: N 49° 41.198 E 015° 19.298
Walk time: 5
Planter: Not listed
Photograpy coordinates: Not Listed
Visit Instructions:
A closeup picture of your GPS receiver in your hand, with the tree in the background, is required. If the tree is on private property, this closeup photograph with the tree in the background may be taken from the nearest public vantage point without actually going to the tree.
The required photograph does not need to show the entire tree, but the individual tree must be recognizable.
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