Lake Königssee 2
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Johny Cache
N 47° 35.341 E 012° 59.370
33T E 348841 N 5272581
Penny smasher in the village of Königssee at Lake Königssee in Bavaria, Germany.
Waymark Code: WM71RX
Location: Bayern, Germany
Date Posted: 08/20/2009
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member skree
Views: 32

A 3-die machine in front of a little restaurant at beautiful Lake Königssee at the edge of Berchtesgaden National Park in the Bavarian Alps.

The machine takes a 5 eurocent coin to be smashed, and a 1 euro coin in order to let the machine work. There are three designs available. One of them shows Bavarian king Ludwig II , the other the chapel of St.Bartholomä, and the third design shows the Watzmann mountain range. While the subjects of the first two coins are similar to those of my penny smasher waymark "Lake Königssee 1", the designs are different.
Unfortunately the machine was out of order at the time we were there. As far as I could see, the machine is not fixed to the ground, but on our return it was still outside while the restaurant was already closed.

Denomination: Other

Number of Designs: Three

Visit Instructions:
Please note the condition of the machine (working, out of order, missing) in your log entry.
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