The War Memorial, Cogenhoe, Northamptonshire.
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N 52° 14.454 W 000° 47.086
30U E 651249 N 5790144
The parish war memorial in a Northamptonshire village.
Waymark Code: WM70V2
Location: United Kingdom
Date Posted: 08/16/2009
Views: 5
The parish memorial was erected on the side of the Church Rooms & overlooks the small village green. It is carved from local stone.
Originally placed as a memorial to the fallen of the 1914-1918 war, it was added to following the 1939-1945 conflict.
Type of Memorial: Multi-War Memorial
 Wars mentioned (Multi-war only): WW1 & WW2
 In Honor Of: The men of the village who fell in the war.
 Marker Text: Honour to Heroes. In ever grateful remembrance of the following men connected with this village who gave their lives in the Great War
 Who Put it Here?: The people of Cogenhoe
 Description of Memorial: The monument overlooks the village green, at the quiet heart of the old village.
 Date of dedication: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Visited Logs must contain, at least, a picture of the monument and your GPSr. Preferably YOU at the monument with your GPSr, but we understand that some people are camera-shy.
It is suggested you please include something about your visit here, as well.