The City of Montreal ~ Site of the Worlds deepest Iron Mine
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N 46° 25.890 W 090° 13.874
15T E 712715 N 5145717
The city of Montreal, incorporated in 1924, known for a short time as the Village of Hamilton, is a combination of the communities of Montreal and Gile.
Waymark Code: WM6XQ6
Location: Wisconsin, United States
Date Posted: 08/02/2009
Views: 13
Gile, on the river, was the center of the area's timber industries. The largest, the Montreal River Lumber Company operated from 1884 until 1904, milled 80,000 board feet of white pine a day. Lumbering continued here on a smaller scale until 1915.
Montreal, on the hill, was the site of the Montreal Mining Company facility which shipped its first ore in 1886. Mining followed the Penokee Range Iron formation slope to the north, extending one mile west and three-fourth miles east of this marker. This industry operated by Oglebay Norton Company, shipped a total of 45,747,708 tons and at its closing in 1962 had reached a vertical depth of 4,335 feet.
Historical Name: The Iron County Historical Society
 Description: This marker was found in Montreal at a cache site but i don't have a number for it.
 Parking nearby?: yes
 D/T ratings: 
 website: [Web Link]
 Registered Site #: 77
 Historical Date: Not listed

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