Mor Anes Hus - Hellebæk, Denmark
Posted by: Groundspeak Charter Member ArktiS
N 56° 03.842 E 012° 31.895
33V E 346322 N 6215953
[DA] Mor Anes Hus ved Bøgeholm Sø ved Hammermølle Skov i Hellebæk. [EN] Mother Ane's House by the banks of Bøgeholm Lake in the beautiful Hammermølle Forest in Hellebæk, North Zealand, Denmark.
Waymark Code: WM6WDR
Location: Denmark
Date Posted: 07/27/2009
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Windsocker
Views: 31


Ved bredden af Bøgeholm Sø i Hammermølle Skov i Hellebæk ligger et lille stråtækt bindingsværkshus kaldet “Mor Anes Hus” ved N56° 03.842' E012° 31.895'. Det lille hus har i tidens løb haft flere navne: “Bøgeholm Hus”, “Skomagerhus”, “Plantagehus”, “Anes Hus” – men er for tiden nok bedst kendt som “Mor Anes Hus”.

Huset var for år tilbage arbejderbolig under Kronborg Geværfabrik. Hvornår det blev opført vides ikke. Indtil 1768 tilhørte det staten, hvorefter det blev en del af de Schimmelmannske besiddelser i Hellebæk.

Årsagen til at huset blev kendt som “Anes Hus” findes hos 1800-tallets største danske skuespillerinde Johanne Louise Heiberg, der sammen med sin mand, digteren Johan Ludvig Heiberg, tilbragte sommeren 1847 på kroen i Hellebæk. I sine memoirer “Et liv genoplevet i erindringen” fortæller fru Heiberg begejstret om sit møde med “gamle Ane”: Omsider naaede jeg ud og stod nu pludselig ved en lille Hytte, der laa ved en af de bugtede Indsøer. Omkring Hytten var et stakit, der indesluttede en temmelig stor Kjøkkenhave. Jeg gik lige hen til dette, saa ind i Haven og blev da en ualmindelig høi, gammel Kvindeskikkelse vaer; hun støttede sig paa en Krykke under den ene Arm og gravede i Jorden med en spade i den anden Haand; med stort Besvær stak hun Spaden i Jorden og søgte, som det lod, efter Kartofler. De to kom i snak, og over sommeren opstod et ejendommeligt venskab mellem den forfinede bybo og feterede skuespillerinde ved Det Kgl. Teater og den fattige, stovte landarbejderkone.

I 1946 blev Hellebæk Gods (Det grevlige Schimmelmannske Fideikommis) konfiskeret af staten, og i 1953 blev “Mor Anes Hus” sammen med skoven overført til Statsskovbruget – nu Skov- og Naturstyrelsen.

‘Hellebæk Kohave’ er anlagt meget tæt ved Mor Anes Hus, og kan besøges, hvis man efterlever de opslåede regler.

God fornøjelse ...


By the banks of Bøgeholm Sø in Hammermølle Skov in Hellebæk you will find a small half-timbered cottage with a thatched roof called “Mother Ane’s House” at pos. N56° 03.842' E012° 31.895'. The cottage has had several names in the past: “Bøgeholm House”, “Shoemaker’s House”, “Plantation House”, “Ane's House” – but in present time the house is commonly best known as “Mother Ane's House”.

The cottage used to be a worker’s house belonging to Kronborg Gun Factory. When it was built is uncertain. Until 1768 it belonged to the state, where after it became part of Schimmelmann’s possessions in Hellebæk.

The reason why the cottage was known as “Mother Ane's House” is related to the 1900th century’s greatest Danish actress Johanne Louise Heiberg who spent the summer of 1847 at the inn in Hellebæk with her husband the poet Johan Ludvig Heiberg. In her memoirs “A life relived in memory” mrs. Heiberg tells us with enthusiasm of her meeting with “old Ane”: At last I came out and stood suddenly beside a small cottage located at one of the winding lakes. Around the cottage was a fence which confined quite a large vegetable garden. I went straight up to it and looked into the garden where I became aware of an exceptionally tall woman. She leaned on a crutch with one arm and dug in the soil with the other arm using a spade. With great difficulty she put the spade into the soil and looked for potatoes it seemed. The two began conversating and over the summer a peculiar friendship arose between the aristocratic townswoman and much-admired actress at The Copenhagen Royal Theatre and the poor stout-hearted rural worker’s wife.

In 1946 Hellebæk Estate (Count Schimmelmann’s entailed estate) was confiscated by the state, and in 1953 “Mother Ane's House” with the forest was handed over to the State Forestry – that is the Forest and Nature Administration).

“Hellebæk Cow’s Garden” has been established very close to Mother Ane's House and can be visited as long as the published regulations are observed.

Enjoy ...

Instructions for Visiting a Waymark:
[DA] Kan besøges 24/7/365. [EN] Can be visited 24/7/365.

Roof Type: Roof has Straw covering

Wall Type: Walls are constructed from Mud

Construction Date: 18th Century

Building Rating:

Parking: N 56° 03.902 W 012° 31.476

Hellebæk, Denmark

Related web site if known: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
To claim a find, you must submit a photo of the cottage, taken from a different angle to the one shown on the page. The photo should show at least one of the walls of the cottage in full, and preferably it should show some of the surrounding landscape or buildings. If possible, you should also be in the photograph.
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Lekno_Samoth visited Mor Anes Hus - Hellebæk, Denmark 04/05/2014 Lekno_Samoth visited it
ArktiS visited Mor Anes Hus - Hellebæk, Denmark 10/13/2009 ArktiS visited it

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