The Goldenrod- Taffy since 1896- York Beach, Maine
N 43° 10.531 W 070° 36.622
19T E 369114 N 4781564
A York Beach favorite since 1896.
Waymark Code: WM6TXD
Location: Maine, United States
Date Posted: 07/20/2009
Views: 46
The renowned New England Salt Water Taffy is made fresh daily from only the highest quality ingredients. These savory mouth watering sensations will take you back to 1896, when E.A. Talpey perfected the Kisses recipe.
GOLDENROD KISSES are made on demand, they are always fresh! They contain no preservatives, therefore, temperature greatly affects chewiness. To ensure a chewy consistency, keep taffy in a warm (75° - 80°F) environment. To store taffy longer than two weeks, wrap in plastic and freeze. ENJOY!
Currently there are 12 flavors:
Molasses, Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Lime, Peppermint, Licorice, Maple Walnut, Wintergreen, Blueberry, Molasses Peppermint, and my favorite as well as most other people- Peanut Butter.
A 1 lb box will cost $6.71 for mixed and $7.38 for one flavor.
The Goldenrod is a summer seasonal business. See their website for much more information and history. (
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