White Castle - Interstate 35 - Hinckley, MN
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member GeoPierce
N 46° 00.684 W 092° 56.024
15T E 505129 N 5095316
This White Castle is located in Hinckley, MN.
Waymark Code: WM6E3D
Location: Minnesota, United States
Date Posted: 05/19/2009
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Firefrog69
Views: 10

A convenient stop on the way from the Twin Cities to Duluth.
Restaurant Address:
329 Fire Monument Rd
Hinckley, MN US

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wildernessmama visited White Castle - Interstate 35 - Hinckley, MN 07/05/2012 wildernessmama visited it
dunceboy visited White Castle - Interstate 35 - Hinckley, MN 03/11/2012 dunceboy visited it
paulj4400 visited White Castle - Interstate 35 - Hinckley, MN 07/16/2010 paulj4400 visited it

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