Mätpunkt, Hylte cairn, Vallda, Kungsbacka municipally, Sweden
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member blaufish
N 57° 27.399 E 012° 00.639
33V E 320667 N 6372165
One of Kungbackas benchmarks, high up on a mountain and within the traditional Swedish stone triangle (benchmarks are referred to as Triangle points in Seden). The benchmark text says it belongs to Kungsbacka municipally and is protected by law.
Waymark Code: WM68AD
Location: Sweden
Date Posted: 04/21/2009
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member SwedenHawk
Views: 26

While visiting Top of Vallda (Geocache GC1P4VK) I made a quick detour to cairn and looked for the benchmark described in the cache description.

The following is excerpted from the geocache description, and originates from the Swedish Fornminnesregister ("old things registry"?):

"Hylteberg is the highest point in Vallda parish, 84 meters above sea level. On the top of the hill you'll find two cairns from the bronze age, Hylterös and Lilla rös (Little cairn). Hylterös lies closest to the top of the hill and is the bigger of the two with a diameter of 17 meters. It could once been shaped as a hexagon, but is now as almost all cairns more or less unregular and spread out. You'll find Lilla rös about 200 meters SW of Hylterös. A little more than 20 meters SSE of Hylterös you'll find a bench mark (triangelpunkt). Also you'll be able to find a foundation for an arodrome beacon that in the 1930's lead the aerial post traffic between Göteborg and Malmö. The beacon was unmounted after the world war II."

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