Moss Hovedpostkontor
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member Qurius
N 59° 26.245 E 010° 39.958
32V E 594490 N 6589943
Moss Hovedpostkontor
Waymark Code: WM5HY1
Location: Østfold, Norway
Date Posted: 01/11/2009
Views: 45

Moss Postcontoir ble opprettet i 1650. (

Dagens adresse er Gudes gate 1

Skilt med postnummer er ikke på huset
ZIP code (Postnummer): 1500

Geographical place name: Moss

Inauguration day: 11.01.2009

Visited: 11.01.2009

Visit Instructions:
Norsk: Kun engelsk p.g.a. begrensning i antall tegn her.


  1. A photo showing the geocacher and his/her GPSr in front of the enamelled sign(s) is mandatory in logs.
  2. Date/time for the visit (not the log) must be included.
  3. A scan of the post office's unique postmark is appreciated - but not a must. (A great evidence of your visiting date.)
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Keldar5 visited Moss Hovedpostkontor 07/01/2009 Keldar5 visited it