ChileHead = 24 45.343
Posted by:
S 34° 15.348 E 150° 58.405
56H E 313397 N 6207622
Thanks to Tangles from Australia for helping me log this one!
Waymark Code: WM5HQ
Location: New South Wales, Australia
Date Posted: 01/02/2006
Views: 76
I haven't done a whole lot of locationless caches, but a fellow cacher in town recently did this one and I was intriqued by a virtual visit to my name-as-coords.
When encoding my name I a number of choices as I could do N/S/E/W. Once choice could have brought me to Chile, which would have been cool because I'm Chilehead (different type of Chile though ... chile pepper, not Chile the country!)
Another choice went through Japan, but there were no nearby caches where my line was drawn, which probably mean very little cachers as well.
The two best choices where there were a number of cachers around nearby where Australia and California, USA. The California one could have been an easy "find", but I wanted to travel. I ended up using name name-as-coords for the S coordinate.
I was happy that the Australian choice came where it did: there was an active cache nearby, and the owner of the cache has quite a few locationless finds, but not this one. I was pretty sure they'd be interested!
I wanted to get the coast, but it was difficult to determine if my S coordinate crossed the coast in an accessible area. The S coord crossed a road a bit from the coast, so I suggested a couple possibilities to Tangles.
Luckily Tangles seems to have found a good spot at the coast. I enjoyed the pictures, and I'm glad you were able to get out on what appears to be a very nice day.
Tangles - thanks for helping log this cache!
Who took the photo of your converted name?: Tangles

Visit Instructions:
A photograph is required of your GPS receiver clearly showing the coordinates and the place.
A photo showing the area would be a great addition to the waymark gallery.